Mentoring You

To find your own wisdom

Two women hiking.  One is guiding the other

Alignment Journey Mentoring

Four Pillars

Welcome to Alignment Journey, a unique mentoring experience that serves as your compass to gain clarity and a profound understanding of your life's path. It's your opportunity to connect with your inner self and find the answers you seek. During our time together, we'll delve into four key pillars to help you rebuild your relationship with yourself and your life journey.

Spiritual Wellbeing

Uncover a deeper understanding of life's challenges, embrace inner peace, and strengthen your connection to your intuition and the Universe.


Discover the power of your guiding life story. A supportive mindset empowers you to navigate challenges, make mindful choices, and attract what you desire.

Emotional Well-Being

Emotions are your inner compass. Our journey will help you embrace and understand them, revealing their profound meaning and guiding you toward a more fulfilling life.

Physical Well-Being

Your body is the vessel for your life's adventure, connecting the spiritual and tangible worlds. We'll focus on improving your vitality and aligning body, mind, and spirit for a more harmonious and fulfilling life.

Working with Bonnie was a game-changer. Her guidance and support have been invaluable in helping me overcome challenges and reach new heights in my career.

John Smith


"I had an overall feeling of "blah." I was going with the motions--nothing in my life was "thriving" (my words... not Bonnie's!) I can't say enough about this amazing experience!! I have never felt more alive and connected to myself and my purpose. I have more energy. My business is flourishing! I am a better mom, wife, sister, daughter, and human! I am connected to my spirit and have never felt closer to God. Thank you, Bonnie!!!"
Erin Arnett

Erin Arnett

Working with Bonnie Surie has been a transformative experience. Initially, I thought I had a strong sense of self-worth, but through our sessions, I discovered deep-seated issues of self-validation. Bonnie's intuitive coaching led me to realize my true value, independent of others' recognition, significantly reducing stress in my marriage. Additionally, her guidance helped me confront and resolve deep-rooted business and personal challenges. This journey has not only improved my communication and relationships, especially with my husband but also brought me to a new level of self-appreciation. I now recognize and celebrate my achievements, feeling more aligned with my 'future self' than ever before. Bonnie’s coaching has truly been a beacon of personal and relational growth.
Lizzy Moffett

Lizzy Moffett

Web Designer

"Bonnie is the go-to when you don't know where to start but know you're ready for a change! I've experienced much-needed healing in my relationship with myself! Her mentoring is life-changing, and her readings are mind-blowing! Anytime I feel stuck and need clarity, I schedule a Reading. They're always spot on, and I can immediately take action on the guidance. Bonnie is a gift!"
Terina G.

Terina G.

"Bonnie has a wonderful personality, easy to talk to, and is very intuitive, which helps her recognize the areas you need help in. She is a very gifted Coach and holds you accountable as firm or lightly as you choose. Her story sheds light on the fact that there is nothing that could be hidden in your mind that is stronger than what she can help you handle. I strongly recommend Bonnie as a Coach and Speaker."
Lisa R

Lisa R

Pro Brander at

“I felt myself shift! Bonnie, you absolutely deliver what you say you do! So much clarity and healing! So good! I will be back!”
Kris Wiggins

Kris Wiggins

"I feel like a completely different person! I am so much more conscious and aware of myself. I thought I was before, but not like this. Our sessions changed my life for the better and have set me up to succeed!"


Mobile Beauty by Kris

"Extremely satisfied! I was in my way and didn’t see it. I now have a clear plan for working my business and self and feel more confident."
Helena Brady

Helena Brady

Health & Fitness Coach

"Bonnie was a tremendous help in gaining new perspectives and growing personally, which also made an incredible impact on my business success! I definitely recommend her to any woman, whether you have a business or not. You will absolutely see some amazing changes if you are willing to take the simple personalized steps she recommends!!"
Jo G.

Jo G.

Health Strategist & Founder, TruBliss Solutions

"I had an Insight Reading with Bonnie. I loved the experience and found it enlightening and helpful. She's very intuitive! I would recommend Bonnie to women who need clarity in any area of their life- personal or professional."
Leisa P

Leisa P

Insurance Agent

"Through simple mindset shifts, I began to see instant growth in my business - including 300% social media growth in the first week and more than 3,800 (and counting) total new followers across all social media channels in the three months since our first session! I can't recommend Bonnie highly enough!"
Bonney F

Bonney F

"I have been able to release the anger I had been holding on to for six years! Bonnie is like an intuitive friend who knows exactly what you need and gently guides you to a healthier, happier you!"


Happy Humans Mindfulness

“Prior to working with Bonnie, I felt at war with myself. Working with her was like therapy on steroids! She cares and provides strong insight and relatable experiences. I now have tools to navigate my internal dialogue more gracefully, as well as the external world around me. I think every woman/mom should be doing this work.”
Alicia Garino

Alicia Garino

“Working with Bonnie was the best gift I have ever given to myself! It was a beautiful mix of therapy, intuition, and talking with a wise friend. She brought up things in a different way that allowed me to understand why I am the way I am, as well as to heal from many old wounds. I learned fantastic skills to work through those uncomfortable feelings when they inevitably come back up. ”
Dr. Erin Scott DC, DICCP

Dr. Erin Scott DC, DICCP

Healthy Start Family Chiropractic

"Bonnie is so gifted at helping women along their journey. The progress I have made working with her has been so invaluable! I cannot recommend her enough! She will truly help you become a better version of yourself. "
Cheyenne Martin

Cheyenne Martin

Business Development Branch Manager

"I needed to overcome fears and get out of my head and comfort zone. I wanted to create changes in my life and find new paths to success. After working with Bonnie, my phone is ringing off the hook, I'm giving work away in my DJ business, and my other businesses are taking off! If you're serious about making changes with yourself and life, Bonnie is indispensable!"
DJ Sassy Patty

DJ Sassy Patty


Let's work together!

Discover the power of private mentoring, group coaching (Coming soon), and self-guided Workbooks to help you become your next-level self in mind, body, and spirit. These experiences are designed to support you in creating a soul-aligned life with confidence.

1 to 1 Mentoring

Experience personalized guidance and support on your journey.

Group Coaching

This is a new option that is coming soon! Sign up for my newsletter to know when group coaching becomes available!


Access valuable resources and learn at your own pace.

Work with Me

 Are you ready for a breakthrough?

It's time to prioritize YOUR well-being and create a life that aligns with your authentic Self.
Schedule your complimentary Discovery Call to see if we would be a good fit to work together.
Your journey starts here.