Blogs: Supporting your journey

Explore the depths of life's journey with insights on inner-hidden shadows, mindset mastery,
and vulnerable lessons from the realms of motherhood and marriage.
Developing an Unshakable Self-Relationship: Blueprint
5 min read

Developing an Unshakable Self-Relationship: Blueprint

Let's be honest: making the decision that you are going to change sounds nice in the heat of the moment and on paper. That's it. Anywhere else, change can be confusing, uncomfortable, and hard.
Developing an Unshakable Self-Relationship: Where to start
5 min read

Developing an Unshakable Self-Relationship: Where to start

I didn't know how to change. I didn't know where to start. I didn't even know if it was possible for me. Something caught my attention. I held my breath as I watched in disbelief.
How to realign with your desires during change
5 min read

How to realign with your desires during change

"I am useless. My kids and husband don't need me!" The day she put in her 2-week notice, she celebrated! However, before she could even finish the night of celebration, her mind was overwhelmed with doubt. She was bursting at the seams, trying to hide it from others and herself.
How to Develop Courage
5 min read

How to Develop Courage

Courage asks you to acknowledge your journey and all the versions of yourself that have helped you get to where you are. It invites you to perceive your life from the heart and see the challenges and pains as your greatest teachers without judging the student you were.
Motherhood & Survival Mode
5 min read

Motherhood & Survival Mode

My eyes landed on the circle, now a giant mud puddle. My inner child begged me to play. I could see myself splashing in the milky chocolate-colored rainwater that mixed with Mother Earth. She felt so tied to the responsibilities of adulthood, motherhood, wife, business, and life that play was the last thing on her to-do list.

Bonnie's Published Work

Business, Life, and the Universe

"I held my breath and watched the screen with wide eyes. I was shocked and confused. For years I fought to be happy. I followed my mom's advice. "Make sure your husband and kids are happy, and then you'll be happy." I did what others suggested. "Don't complain. Be grateful. Just smile. Don't talk about the bad stuff." I once tipped the scale at 300 pounds. I thought, "the weight is the problem! If I lose the weight, then I'll be happy!"  I released half my body weight and still wasn't happy."
It's not uncommon to believe something about ourselves that causes us to feel like we're not enough, worthless, or broken. We resist these thoughts and secretly struggle with the overwhelming feeling they might be true. Without fail, we behave within their exhausting guidelines, feeling stuck and dissatisfied with ourselves. How do we change and where do we start?

Bonnie Surie is a published author

Self Relationship

Discover your Inner Power

Your reality is happening THROUGH you.  When you're out of alignment with your TRUE self, your life reflects that misalignment. Are you ready for a breakthrough?


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